marți, 10 martie 2009

Pentru berbeci

 Cand oaia mov,oaia verde si inca o oaie (a carei culoare nu s-a stabilit inca) au fost la pasunat in orasul de la poalele muntelui descoperit in toaleta unui scotish pub urmatoarele reguli,scrise de oi  pentru berbeci.Foarte interesante si  adevarate de altfel.
Berbecilor...daca aveti vreo problema cu recomandam un dictionar englez-roman.

  • Please don't talk to my breasts. You won't be meeting them.
  • If you want to control someone sleep with your remote.
  • I always choose chocolate over man-ALWAYS.
  • 51% goddess,49% bitch.
  • My sexual preference is NO.
  • My body is a temple, now get on your knees and pray.
  • It's not the size that counts, it', wait, size does count.
  • Remember you horny piece of dirt girls are made of sugar, spice and everything nice.
  • Men are like hardwood floors...lay them right the first time and you can walk all over them forever.
  • Save your breath for your inflatable date!         

Un comentariu:

  1. 51% goddess,49% bitch.
    si da i si razi si hi hi hi si hah haha haha....mai vreau!!!:)))
